Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candy Candy Candy Candy Candy Candy

Hurray for Halloween! Yesterday was a busy day. It all started with being Derrik's room mother. I was in charge of the Halloween party. Luckily Danny and my mom came and helped and it turned out to be a great party. We made a pumpkin totem pole, spider suckers, had a donut eating contest and decorated cookies and made our own tombstones. It was a lot of fun. Then we headed off to Skywest for trick or treating. The kids seriously got a bag full of candy each. In fact Marlee was begging me to let her stop. She is too funny. Then we came home and Derrik, Daniel and Demmy went out with their friends and Danny, Maycie, Dylan, Marlee and me stayed home to watch Danny's all time Halloween favorite "Young Frankenstein". Isn't Halloween Great?!!!

This is Marlee as a cute little Cowgirl! Most of the time she didn't want her hat on and of course she wouldn't wear the cute pink gun she had, so she basically was just wearing a cute little dress! Love Ya Mars!!

Here is my adorable little witch Demmy. She got lots and lots of candy and was a big help with her little sister.

Here is Danny getting in the Holiday Spirit. The funny thing is he decided to start putting out the decorations at about 12:00 on HALLOWEEN. Gotta love it!!

Here is sweet Maycie Marie in her Goldilocks and the Three Bears Costume. She is standing next to our pumpkin totem pole that we made in Derrik's class at school and that is now in our front yard!!!

This is Derrik as our favorite Scary Clown. He is reading his tombstone to his class before we played Musical Tombstones.

Dylan was our little Tigger. He got the costume brand new and by the end of the night he had already grown out of it and had a hole in the end of his toe! Boy do they grow up fast!
This is a picture I love of Brice and Torsten. Almost all items you see on Brice were from a Yard Sale!! Yea for Yard sales!!
And here is my amazingly strong young man, Daniel. He of course is wearing the ever popular football costume. Have I mentioned that he is now taller then me???? It is so not fair!

This is just a picture from the morning of all the candy.YUMYUMYUM! It was a very wonderful and Successful Halloween. I can't wait for next year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Grand Family (title by Demmy)

This has been a great weekend!! It started out with the family piling on each other and just being silly! I guess their new thing is to see how high they can pile on each other. They wanted me to set Dylan on top, but I just couldn't do it quite yet! And of course I couldn't be in the pile because then who would take the picture?

Then on Wednesday night Danny's parents, Dan and Gayle (aka Grandma and Grandpa Polad) came down for a fun visit. They made it just in time to see Daniel's football game and Derrik's practice. Then of course they had to stop at In and Out. The next day they took us all out to eat at Golden Corral and then the next morning it was the big hike up the volcano. Grandma Gayle watched the 4 little ones and then Danny, Grandpa Polad, Daniel and Derrik went on the hike. I think the fun part had to be coming down.

This is Grandpa Polad sliding down the hill. Too bad I missed that one! It looks great!

Then on Saturday we were off to the Grand Canyon! That was amazing. If you haven't been or if it has been awhile since you last went, boy should you go! It was so beautiful! It only took about 2 1/2 hours and was so worth the drive (Of course Daniel, Derrik and Demmy rode with Grandma and Grandpa Polad most of the time and Maycie, Dylan and Marlee slept so maybe that was why I enjoyed the drive!!! JUST KIDDING KIDS). Danny made us all a wonderful picnic lunch and we just walked around and enjoyed the amazing canyon!

We also were able to see the Kaibab Squirrel. This Squirrel is only found at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. (make sure to ask Danny his story about the cute little squirrel with the white tail). It was awe inspiring to see Heavenly Father's magnificent creations
and to spend the day with our family! Thanks for visiting Grandma and Grandpa Polad! We love you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Maycie had been sick last Sunday with a fever but then felt better the next day. Then on Tuesday she started throwing up. She was still her happy mischievous self, but she couldn't keep anything down. Then on Wednesday we were getting worried so we took her to the dr.s. She told us to just give her pedalite. But by 5:00 that night she was still throwing up. So they told us to take her to the hospital so they could give her an IV so she didn't get dehydrated. We got to the hospital and I went with them so she could get the IV. Unfortunately she was very dehydrated and they couldn't get the iv in. It took them 2 hours, 4 doctors and about 15 needles till they finally got one in that would work. It was very sad. She would cry and cry but she had no tears. They took us back to her room and then started the liquids. They had put two bags of fluids in her and she still did not have a wet diaper. Usually kids will have a wet diaper after one, but she didn't. They said she was very dehydrated. It happened so fast just because she is so tiny. Luckily by the next afternoon she was doing better and they let us go home. She just had a yucky flu bug that got bad. Luckily she is doing wonderfully now and we are so glad that she is back to her happy self. Thanks so much for all your love and concern. These pictures are just a few at the hospital and then some when she was feeling better! Gotta love the hold she has on Dylan!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


They always say that most things get better with age and I couldn't agree more! Sept 8 was Danny's birthday and he just turned 35! That sounds so old, but to me he still seems as young as the day I met him (which was when he was 21). The kids put candles in his pancake and then we sang Happy Birthday to him in Spanish. He is taking a Spanish Class at school so he wants us to try and speak as much Spanish as we can(which is very little). It was a fun night! He is such an amazing husband and father! I appreciate all he does for our family. He is so great with the kids! Especially Dylan. Not many Dad's would be excited to watch a newborn for 8 hours straight, but Danny always has a smile when I give him to him in the morning and then a smile when I get home later. He truly is amazing and I am so blessed to have him in my life! I hope he had a wonderful birthday and I can't wait to share 50 more birthdays with him! I LOVE YOU LOTS DANNY!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Big House!!!

This had to of been one of the funnest weekends ever! For Danny's Birthday, we decided to get tickets to the Michigan vs. Utah game at the "Big House" in Michigan. So the journey began on Thursday. We woke up at 5:00 in the morning and headed off to the airport. Of course everyone else was trying to get to Michigan for the big game too. These are just a few pictures of the boys waiting at the airport. After getting bumped about 3 or 4 times, we made it to Toledo Ohio at about 10:00 at night. We decided to get a hotel that night and then head out to the BEST AMUSEMENT PARK ever the next day! The park is called Cedar Point and is home to about every ride imaginable. As Danny said "You walk in fear the whole day scared what the next ride will be". The rides were so awesome. All I can say is that everyone needs to go there. Danny and Daniel went on a roller coaster that takes you straight up 400 feet in the air and then straight down at 120 mph! I tried to add a picture, but believe me it doesn't do it justice. It is the scariest ride I have ever seen and one I did not dare to go on.
The amusement park is also right on Lake Erie. That was also amazing to see. It was such a fun day. Then at about 8:00 at night we headed to my Cousin Heidi's house. Blake and Heidi were so great! I cannot even begin to tell you all how nice they were to us. Their house is amazing. They have remodeled it and it looks so good! Blake's parents also came in for the game and they were so much fun! Daniel and Derrik had the best time hanging out with Hayden. He shared his room with them and was just awesome. Dylan also loved meeting his new cousin Henry. They are only about a month apart in age. Henry is such a cutie! We stayed up late talking and then woke up the next morning and had an amazing breakfast and then we were off to the Big HOUSE!

The stadium was amazing. I think it holds about 110,000 people. We were tiny red dots in a sea of yellow, but the Michigan fans were very nice. The game was great and of course Utah won. We had gotten our tickets off of ebay and amazingly enough, Heidi and Blake's were just a few rows from ours. After the game Blake showed us the campus and then took us to a store where I could buy a few Michigan souviners. Then we went back to Heidi and Blakes and had the BEST ribs ever. Blake's dad made the ribs and I still have dreams about them. They were so yummy. Unfortunatly our amazing trip had to come to an end. We left the next morning at 5:00 am Michigan time and didn't get home till 9:30 p.m Utah time, but it was all worth it. We had such a great time and just want to tell Heidi and Blake Thanks again! They are the BEST!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back To School!!!!

It is finally time for school! Daniel, Derrik, Demmy and Marlee all started school an Tuesday August 12. Yes, even Marlee is now in school. She had her first day of kindergarten and boy does she love it! She is in the afternoon class and not one of her 5 or 6 friends from preschool and church are in her class. She is amazing though and has already made new friends. Daniel is in 7th grade and goes to school at Tonaquint Intermediate School. He wakes up at about 6:15 and catches the bus at 6:45. School doesn't start till 7:50, but it is a long bus ride. He loves it! Derrik is in 5th grade and is now the king of the school! (He just told me I signed up to be a room mother for his class! I can hardly wait!!!) Demmy is in 2nd grade and just got the cutest haircut for school and gets to sit next to her bestfriend! On the first day of school Demmy asked her teacher if she could bring real people for show and tell. She wants to bring Dylan and Maycie. They are just too cute! What will I do all day without them home???!!!!!

The only sad part of the day was when we took Marlee up to school and to her class. Maycie started to cry when Marlee went in her class and kept saying "Marlee, Marlee, Marlee". I guess she was really missing her partner in crime!! Marlee has taught Maycie everything she knows. And if any of you know Marlee, that is alot to teach!! It was a great day and we know it will be a great year! (I just had to post a picture of Dylan so he didn't feel left out. I think he misses the kids too! He doesn't know how to sleep as good because there is no noise to put him to sleep!!!!