Sunday, October 2, 2016

MTC life- Elder Polad


hola mi familia!!!
how is everyone doing! it has been a crazy last ten days and i am kind no worn out. our p day is literally the furthest away it could've possible been. it has been a real struggle i am not going to lie but the mtc aka ccm purposely does that to us in order to make us rely on christ and oh wow does that work good! i spend most of the day saying quick little prayers asking for help and they are almost always answered. our district is pretty cool but we goof around a lot. there are two sisters and two other elders going to baton rouge with me and i really like them all and get along with them. two out of like thirty missionaries on our plane got first class  and me and one of the other elders who is going to baton rouge were it. my companions name is elder harper-smith (two last names dads favorite haha)  i honestly think we are exact opposite personality types so ugh. but i try my best to get along with him  anyways when we do teach lessons though him and i do work pretty well together. A cool expierence of the gift of tongues is when we both kind of had no clue what our investigator was talking about but i was able to pick up a few words and somehow never hearing this word before i knew he said abortion for some reason. he had asked if every sin could be forgiven including that one and if they could still have the holy ghost with them. my companion didn't understand this but i did so i picked out this passage in one of our spanish pamphlets about how the holy ghost is with us as long as we are doing what is right and my instructer said i answered it perfectly with that passage which was awesome. as far as spanish goes i am getting it better than most of the district i think. excluding the sisters because they study like crazy so that is cool. the gift of tongues is so real as long as we listen to the spirit and rely on jesus christ and our heavenly father. we have been so busy since we have been here. there is so much to tell and so letter time! anyways i just want to share some scriptures that have really helped me since i have been out here. they are mosiah 8 18 and 7 33 if i remember correctly. mosiah is definitely my favorite book in the book of mormon. anyways those have really helped me and i love you all! on a final note my companion is a great guy though and i can learn a lot from him. he knows a lot about the gospel so that is good and i do love him and i know heavenly father has me as his companion for a reason. oh and also my biggest regret is not spending more time with you all and serving you more. i wish i could go back and do so but i guess i will just have to when i get back! i am sorry i didnt help with the house more and that i was so selfish. you guys are such great people and i truely have been blessed with the most amazing family ever. every single one of you. just reading everything i got from you makes me realize all the good times we had and i miss them so much. oh and i also forgot to mention the food isnt great here at all but i am eating it and i think i am gaining weight but i dont know! im glad to hear how the olympics are going too.
we went to the temple today which was an amazing expierience. im the first in our family to say they have been through a temple in a different country haha. it was such a great spiritual expierence! kind of hard because of the spanish but i made it!   i love you all so much you have all blessed my life so much and i miss you all! 

 love elder polad

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